NChartCartesianSystem Class Reference

Inherits from NChartCoordSystem : NChartObject : NSObject
Declared in NChartCartesianSystem.h


The NChartCartesianSystem class provides methods for managing the chart’s cartesian coordinate system.


X-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *xAxis

See Also

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Secondary X-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *sxAxis

See Also

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Y-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *yAxis

See Also

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Secondary Y-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *syAxis

See Also

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Z-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *zAxis

See Also

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Secondary Z-axis of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartValueAxis *szAxis

See Also

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XY-axes plane of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxesPlane *xyPlane

See Also

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XZ-axes plane of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxesPlane *xzPlane

See Also

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YZ-axes plane of the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxesPlane *yzPlane

See Also

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Grid that goes from the X-axis along the Y-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *xAlongY

See Also

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Grid that goes from the X-axis along the Z-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *xAlongZ

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the X-axis along the Y-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *sxAlongY

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the X-axis along the Z-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *sxAlongZ

See Also

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Grid that goes from the Y-axis along the X-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *yAlongX

See Also

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Grid that goes from the Y-axis along the Z-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *yAlongZ

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the Y-axis along the X-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *syAlongX

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the Y-axis along the Z-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *syAlongZ

See Also

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Grid that goes from the Z-axis along the X-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *zAlongX

See Also

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Grid that goes from the Z-axis along the Y-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *zAlongY

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the Z-axis along the X-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *szAlongX

See Also

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Grid that goes from secondary the Z-axis along the Y-axis.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartAxisGrid *szAlongY

See Also

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X-Coordinate of the planes intersection point.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord *planesIntersectionCoordX

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Y-Coordinate of the planes intersection point.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord *planesIntersectionCoordY

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Z-Coordinate of the planes intersection point.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord *planesIntersectionCoordZ

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Type of axes. You may use additional and percent axes only if you provide ticks for category axes. For example, if you are about to display additional columns, you should provide ticks for the X and Z axes. If you are about to display additional bars, you should provide ticks for Y and Z axes respectively (because bars are stretched along the X-axis). If you didn’t provide ticks for category axes, changing the type to additional or percent takes no effect for the series displayed even though states of their points are aligned to the grid (see NChartPointState for details).

@property (nonatomic, assign) NChartValueAxesType valueAxesType

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Flag that determines if the border around the cartesian coordinate system is visible (YES) or not (NO).

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL borderVisible

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Color of the border around the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *borderColor

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Thickness of the border around the cartesian coordinate system.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float borderThickness

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– addCrosshair:

Add crosshair to the cartesian system.

- (void)addCrosshair:(NChartCrosshair *)crosshair


  • crosshair to add.

See Also

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– removeCrosshair:

Remove crosshair from the cartesian system.

- (void)removeCrosshair:(NChartCrosshair *)crosshair


  • crosshair to remove.

See Also

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– removeAllCrosshairs

Remove all crosshairs from the cartesian system.

- (void)removeAllCrosshairs

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– updateCrosshairs

Force crosshairs to be updated.
Use this method if you changed values of crosshairs and want to apply them without calling updateData of the chart. If crosshairs are the only changed chart items, this is much more efficient way to make the changes visible than updating entire chart.

- (void)updateCrosshairs

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Flag determining if auto zoom mode is on (YES), or off (NO). The default value is NO.
In auto zoom mode, the axis set to be auto-zoomed by the autoZoomAxes property is zoomed automatically so that the visible part of the chart is fit to the plot area.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldAutoZoom


This property takes effect in 2D mode only.

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The axes kind (normal, secondary or both) to be auto-zoomed. The default value is NChartAutoZoomNormalAxis.
The axes set to be auto-zoomed are zoomed by panning so that the visible part of the chart is fit to the plot area, if shouldAutoZoom is YES. If axes are not swapped (you are not using bar series), the axes to zoom are Y and SY. In other case, they are X and SX.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NChartAutoZoomAxes autoZoomAxes


This property takes effect in 2D mode only.

It is strongly recommended to disable the user interactions related to the direction of the axes which should be zoomed automatically. For example, if you set autoZoomAxes to NChartAutoZoomNormalAxis, and the axis are not swapped (you are not using bar series, so the axes to zoom are Y and SY), you are recommended to disable proportional zoom, vertical zoom and vertical pan: m_view.chart.userInteractions = (m_view.chart.userInteractionMode) ^ (NChartUserInteractionProportionalZoom | NChartUserInteractionVerticalZoom | NChartUserInteractionVerticalMove);, as well as to set the zoomMode to directional: m_view.chart.zoomMode = NChartZoomModeDirectional;

See Also

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