NChartSeries Class Reference

Inherits from NChartObject : NSObject
Declared in NChartSeries.h


The NChartSeries class provides common methods for the series of the chart.

+ series

Create instance of series.

+ (id)series

Return Value

an autoreleased instance of the series.

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Array of points.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *points

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Name of the series.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *name

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Image that is displayed in the legend. This property returns the image only if it was provided by the data source. If the default image is used, nil is returned.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIImage *image

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Size of default series' marker in legend in pixels. The default value is 20.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float legendMarkerSize

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Brush scale of the series used to color the map.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NChartBrushScale *scale

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Tag of the series. You may use it as you want.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger tag

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Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary X-axis. If YES, it will be drawn according to the secondary X-axis, if NO according to the normal X-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: it can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL hostsOnSX

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Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary Y-axis. If YES, it will be drawn according to the secondary Y-axis, if NO according to the normal Y-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: it can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL hostsOnSY

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Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary Z-axis. If YES, it will be drawn according to the secondary Z-axis, if NO according to the normal Z-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL hostsOnSZ

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Flag that determines if the series forces absolute value axis. If YES, the series is drawn as if value axes type would be absolute, even if it’s not. If NO, the series is drawn according to the actual value axes type set in Cartesian system. The default value is NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL forceAbsolute


This property has effect for Cartesian system based series only. Otherwise it’s ignored.

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Data source for the series.

@property (nonatomic, assign) id<NChartSeriesDataSource> dataSource

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Data smoother used. The default value is nil (no data smoother used).

@property (nonatomic, strong) NChartDataSmoother *dataSmoother

See Also

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Flag determining if the chart points can be selected by tap (YES) or not (NO). The default value is YES.If you do not want to select points by tap, it is better to disable selection, because it will save memory and boost the data updating.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL pointSelectionEnabled


This property works in conjuction with pointSelectionEnabled of NChart allowing to fine-tune the point selection for individual series.

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Flag determining if in the additive value axis mode (when certesianSystem.valueAxesType = NChartValueAxesTypeAdditive) positive and negative values are added separately, so all positives are above zero and all negatives are below zero (YES), or all the values are just added together (NO). The default value is YES. Normally it’s reasonable to separate the sums (so keep this flag in its default state), but sometimes you may want to preserve the series order when they are stacked on the additive axis. In this case you may want to toggle this flag to NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL needsSeparateSums

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