NChartPieSeriesSettings Class Reference

Inherits from NChartSolidSeriesSettings : NChartSeriesSettings : NSObject
Declared in NChartPieSeries.h


The NChartPieSeriesSettings class provides global settings for NChartPieSeries.


Hole radius ratio that determines size of the hole for pie series relatively to the whole pie radius. The default value 0.1.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float holeRatio


This value cannot be less than 0 and greater than 1.0.

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Bevel effect ratio that determines size of the bevel for pie series relatively to the whole pie radius. This property is supported in 2D mode only. The default value is 0.0 (that means no bevel).

@property (nonatomic, assign) float bevelRatio


This value cannot be less than 0.0 and greater than 1.0.
You also have to set bevelColor for NChartPieSeries to get the bevel effect.

Declared In



Caption that appears in the center of pie.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NChartTooltip *centerCaption

See Also

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