NChartScaleLegendDelegate Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in NChartScaleLegend.h


The NChartScaleLegendDelegate protocol provides methods to manage the contents of the scale legend.

– scaleLegendDelegateStringRepresentationOfRangeFrom:to:forScaleLegend:

Get the string representation of the scale legend entry by given values.

- (NSString *)scaleLegendDelegateStringRepresentationOfRangeFrom:(NSNumber *)from to:(NSNumber *)to forScaleLegend:(NChartScaleLegend *)scaleLegend


  • value staring the range represented by this entry. For example, if the range is [10; 20], 10 is passed. If the left boundary of the range is open, e.g. (-inf; 20], nil is passed.
  • value ending the range covered by this entry. For example, if the range is [10; 20], 20 is passed. If the right boundary of the range is open, e.g. [10; +inf), nil is passed.
  • scale legend to get the entry’s string representation for.

Return Value

string representation of the entry. For example, it may be “10 .. 20”, or “10 < x < 20”. If nil is returned (or no delegate is attached to the legend, or method is not implemented), the default conversion is used. Assuming the values in the scale are 10, 20, 30, the default conversion looks like this: “> 30”, “20 - 30”, “10 - 20”, “< 10”.

Declared In
