NGridAutoresizeSettings Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in NGridAutoresizeSettings.h


The NGridAutoresizeSettings class describes grid autoresize settings.


The maximum acceptable size for the string. This value is used to calculate where line breaks. If width or height equals to 0.0, method ignores corresponding constraints.

@property (assign) CGSize constraintSize

Declared In



A Boolean value that determines whether column widths are affected by resize.

@property (assign) BOOL resizeWidth

Declared In



A Boolean value that determines whether row heights are affected by resize.

@property (assign) BOOL resizeHeight

Declared In



An array of rows to resize. If this array is not nil then only specified rows will be resized.

@property (retain) NSArray *rowsToResize

Declared In



An array of columns to resize. If this array is not nil then only specified columns will be resized.

@property (retain) NSArray *columnsToResize

Declared In



A Boolean value that determines whether resize algorithm walks over all cells. By default this value is set to NO to speed up resizing. In this case resize algorithm walks only through the header cells.

@property (assign) BOOL walkThroughAllCells

Declared In


+ defaultSettings

Creates the default resize settings.

+ (NGridAutoresizeSettings *)defaultSettings

Declared In
