NGridLinearGradientBrush Class Reference

Inherits from NGridGradientBrush : NGridBrush : NSObject
Declared in NGridLinearGradientBrush.h


The NGridLinearGradientBrush class provides brush filling areas with linear gradient. Gradient is spread from the start point to the end point, everything below the start and above the end is filled by the edge colors (the first and the last on in array).


Starting point of the gradient. It is relative to the area, value should be in ([0; 1]; [0; 1]). (0; 0) is the bottom left corner of the area, (1; 1) is the top right corner.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint startPoint

Declared In



Ending point of the gradient. It is relative to the area, value should be in ([0; 1]; [0; 1]). (0; 0) is the bottom left corner of the area, (1; 1) is the top right corner.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint endPoint

Declared In
