NChartView Class Reference

Inherits from UIView
Declared in NChartView.h


The NChartView class provides a view to display the chart. This view can be added anywhere to view the hierarchy of the app.


Get chart instance. It is created with the view’s creation and destroyed with its destruction.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChart *chart

See Also

Declared In



License key for chart the view is displaying.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *licenseKey

Declared In



Flag determining if view is allowed to recreate internal rendering data structures (YES) or not (NO). The default value is YES.
Use this flag to temporary lock the updating of the view. You may need to lock it (by setting NO to this property) in viewWillDisappear of your view controller and unlock it (by setting YES) in viewWillAppear. This kind of locking helps to avoid troubles related to the updating of invisible OpenGLES-based views (because in iOS 8+ such updating leads to OpenGLES crash).

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isUpdatingEnabled

Declared In


– waitForUpdating

Wait for rendering (by pausing calling thread until rendering thread does its job).
Use this method whenever you want to guarantee the settings you made in your objects are reflected on the view (for example, by hiding settings screen to guarantee user wont see the last frame of old data).

- (void)waitForUpdating


You do not need to call flushChanges method of the NChart object if you use this method: the data are synced automatically.

See Also

Declared In


– captureScreenshotToContext

Capture screenshot of the chart to context.

- (CGContextRef)captureScreenshotToContext

Return Value

new context with the screenshot.

Declared In


– captureScreenshot

Capture screenshot of the chart to image.

- (UIImage *)captureScreenshot

Return Value

new image with the screenshot.

Declared In
