NChart3D for iOS Reference
NChart3D is a flexible library to visualize various data.
To get the quick start with it please refer to the tutorials.
The online documentation describes the entire NChart3D API and data types used.
The main features the library provides are the following:
To get the quick start with it please refer to the tutorials.
The online documentation describes the entire NChart3D API and data types used.
The main features the library provides are the following:
- 2D charts:
- 3D charts:
- Streaming:
- Data processing:
- Automatic minimum, maximum and step calculation for value axes according to supplied dataset
- Spline-based data smoothing
- Animations:
- High visual quality:
- Flexible axes:
- Absolute, additive and percent value axis types
- Multiple value axes
- Custom numeric values on the axes
- Custom position of value axes on the graph
- Major, minor and tiny ticks on the value axes
- Linear and logarithmic scales of value axes
- Time axis
- Size axis
- Polar coordinate system
- Interactivity:
- Zoom, pan and rotation of the chart
- Interactive legend
- Advanced customizations:
- Advanced control over user interactions
- Themes and color customization
- Dashed lines
- Custom background image
- Alignment of chart caption
- Rotation of axes labels
- Label in the center of pie
- Flexible tooltips and chart annotations
- Parallel and perspective projections in 3D-mode
- Selection of points by color and offset
- Markers for points
- Multiple charts in a single view
- Crosshair
Class References
- NChart
- NChartAreaSeries
- NChartAreaSeriesSettings
- NChartAutoScrollLabel
- NChartAxesPlane
- NChartAxis
- NChartAxisGrid
- NChartAxisGridLines
- NChartAxisPositionCoord
- NChartAxisTick
- NChartBandSeries
- NChartBandSeriesSettings
- NChartBarSeries
- NChartBarSeriesSettings
- NChartBezierInterpolator
- NChartBrush
- NChartBrushScale
- NChartBubbleSeries
- NChartBubbleSeriesSettings
- NChartCallout
- NChartCandlestickSeries
- NChartCandlestickSeriesSettings
- NChartCaption
- NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord
- NChartCartesianSystem
- NChartColumnSeries
- NChartColumnSeriesSettings
- NChartCoordSystem
- NChartCrosshair
- NChartDataSmoother
- NChartDataSmootherLagrange
- NChartDataSmootherSBezier
- NChartDataSmootherSpline
- NChartDataSmootherTBezier
- NChartFunnelSeries
- NChartFunnelSeriesSettings
- NChartGradientBrush
- NChartGradientStop
- NChartHair
- NChartHeatmapSeries
- NChartHeatmapSeriesSettings
- NChartInterpolationRange
- NChartInterpolator
- NChartLabel
- NChartLegend
- NChartLineDash
- NChartLineSeries
- NChartLineSeriesSettings
- NChartLinearGradientBrush
- NChartLinearInterpolator
- NChartMarker
- NChartMasterDetailView
- NChartModel
- NChartOHLCSeries
- NChartOHLCSeriesSettings
- NChartOLSTrendDetector
- NChartObject
- NChartPeakDetector
- NChartPieSeries
- NChartPieSeriesSettings
- NChartPlaced
- NChartPoint
- NChartPointAnalyzer
- NChartPointState
- NChartPolarSystem
- NChartRadarSeries
- NChartRadarSeriesSettings
- NChartRange
- NChartRibbonSeries
- NChartRibbonSeriesSettings
- NChartScaleLegend
- NChartSequenceSeries
- NChartSequenceSeriesSettings
- NChartSeries
- NChartSeriesSettings
- NChartSizeAxis
- NChartSolidColorBrush
- NChartSolidSeries
- NChartSolidSeriesSettings
- NChartStaticLine
- NChartStepSeries
- NChartStepSeriesSettings
- NChartSurfaceSeries
- NChartSurfaceSeriesSettings
- NChartTextureBrush
- NChartTimeAxis
- NChartTimeAxisTooltip
- NChartTooltip
- NChartTouchArea
- NChartTouchAreaSeries
- NChartTouchAreaSeriesSettings
- NChartValueAxis
- NChartValueAxisMark
- NChartValueAxisRange
- NChartView
Protocol References
- NChartCrosshairDelegate
- NChartDelegate
- NChartLegendDelegate
- NChartScaleLegendDelegate
- NChartSeriesDataSource
- NChartSizeAxisDataSource
- NChartTimeAxisDataSource
- NChartValueAxisDataSource
- NChartValueAxisDelegate
Constant References
- NChartAnimationType
- NChartAutoZoomAxes
- NChartAxisLabelsAlignment
- NChartAxisPositionCoordValue
- NChartAxisTickType
- NChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos
- NChartCalloutLineType
- NChartCaptionBlockAlignment
- NChartColumnAnimationType
- NChartCrosshairTooltipPosition
- NChartEventPhase
- NChartHighlightType
- NChartLegendBlockAlignment
- NChartLegendContentAlignment
- NChartLegendLabelPosition
- NChartLegendOrientation
- NChartLineAnimationType
- NChartMarkerShape
- NChartShadingModel
- NChartTexturePosition
- NChartTimeAxisLabelsLayout
- NChartTimeAxisLabelsPosition
- NChartTimeAxisTickShape
- NChartTooltipArrowOrientation
- NChartTooltipVerticalAlignment
- NChartUserInteraction
- NChartValue
- NChartValueAxesType
- NChartValueAxisKind
- NChartZoomMode