NChartMasterDetailView Class Reference

Inherits from NChartView : UIView
Declared in NChartMasterDetailView.h


The NChartMasterDetailView class provides a view to display master chart (with range selector) and detail chart. The master chart is placed on the bottom and normally its height is smaller then the height of detail chart. It displays the entire data set. The detail chart is placed on the top. It displays only a part of data set selected by the master chart. This view can be added anywhere to view the hierarchy of the app.


Instance of master chart. It is created with the view’s creation and destroyed with its destruction.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChart *masterChart

See Also

Declared In



Instance of detail chart. It is created with the view’s creation and destroyed with its destruction.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChart *detailChart


This is an alias to chart property of NChartView.

See Also

Declared In



Relative height of master chart. Normally master chart’s height is smaller than the one of detail chart. This property determines the fraction of total view’s height occupying by master chart. 0 means master chart is invisible, 1 means detail chart is invisible, 0.5 means master and detail cahrts have the same height. The default value is 0.15.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat masterChartHeightRatio

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Range selector.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NChartRange *range

Declared In
