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NChartBarSeriesSettingsShouldGroupColumns Property
Flag that determines if columns should be grouped in the coordinate system cells (true), or not (false). The default value is true. If you have a lot of points that share the same cells, it is good idea to set this flag to true (to let the default), so the columns sharing the cell are distriburted in it. However if you have more than one series which points are not sharing the same cells (for example, each series has only one point that monopolizes the cell), it is better to set this flag to false, so the points are not distributed and each one takes its whole cell.

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public bool ShouldGroupColumns { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean


See Also