NChartFunnelSeriesSettings Properties |
The NChartFunnelSeriesSettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | GapSum |
The sum of gaps between the points in the funnel chart in interval [0, 1]. The deafult value is 0.
Actual gap between the points is calculated as gapSum / (countOfPoints - 1) and 1
corresponds to the height of the chart's plot area.
![]() | InternalSettings |
Return internal class.
![]() | Resolution |
The resolution of funnel. Resolution is the amount of vertices that build the circle. For example if you want to
get a square funnel, you should set resolution to 4. If you want to get a cylindrical funnel, you may set a larger value.
But the larger is the resolution, the more memory is used and the slower the rendering will be, so you should
find out the minimal acceptable value. A good value for funnel is 80 or 160. The default value is 120.
This value cannot be less than 3 and greater than 360.
![]() | RudimentEnabled |
Flag determining if rudiment is allowed. The default value is true.
Rudiment is a part of series that remains unused from the previous displayed data set and disappears
by the animated transition.
![]() | SettingsType |
Return own settings type from NChartSeriesSettingsTypes enum.
![]() | ShouldSmooth |
Flag that determines if funnel should appear smooth (true) of faced (false). Generally if you specify low resolution
when the individual faces are still visible, it is a good idea to have funnel faced and vice versa.
The default value is false.
If funnel are faced, it consumes more memory than if they don't by the same resolution.