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INChartBrush Interface
The INChartBrush interface provides common methods of the brush that can be used to fill some areas.

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public interface INChartBrush

The INChartBrush type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInternalBrush
Return internal class.
Public propertyOpacity
Opacity of the brush in interval 0..1 0 -- full transparency 1 -- full opacity. The default value is 1.
Public propertyShadingModel
Shading model that should be applied to an object if it's painted with this brush. You should understand that different shading models are not always supported. For example if you paint some background with the brush only plain shading (read -- no shading) is possible. But if you paint some 3d-object different models can be chosen (it is possible to draw this object as if it was lightened by some light source).
Public methodScaleColorWithHSV
Scale components of brush's colors (if any) according to HSV color model. HSV-representation of each component of each color is multiplied by corresponding scale factor.
Public methodScaleColorWithRGB
Scale components of brush's colors (if any) by given values. Each component of each color is multiplied by a corresponding scale factor.
See Also