Click or drag to resize
INChartTooltip Interface
The INChartTooltip interface provides methods to display the tooltip for the chart's points.

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public interface INChartTooltip : INChartObject, 
	INChartPlaced, INChartLabel

The INChartTooltip type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlwaysInPlotArea
Flag determining if the tooltip should always be inside of the chart's plot area. If true, the tooltip may be shifted to fit in the plot area when it's pivot is near the border of the chart's plot area. If false, it is never shifted and can overlap the axis when it's pivot is near the border of the chart's plot area. The default value is true.
Public propertyBackground
Brush filling the background of the text container.
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyBorderColor
Color of the border that is drawn around the text container.
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyBorderRadius
Corner rounding radius (in pixels) of the border that is drawn around the text container.
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyBorderThickness
Thickness of the border (in pixels) that is drawn around the text container.
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyChart
Chart the object belongs to. This property is assigned automatically whenever the object is assigned to the chart.
(Inherited from INChartObject.)
Public propertyDefaultArrowOrientation
Default orientation of the tooltip's arrow. The default value is NChartTooltipArrowOrientation.Bottom.
The default arrow orientation is the orientation tooltip uses if it's far from plot area borders. If it's close to border and AlwaysInPlotArea is set to true, it's arrow orientation is automatically changed to keep tooltip inside the plot area.
Public propertyFont
Font of the label's text.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyInternalLabel
Return internal class.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyMargin
Margin of the text container in pixels (spacing from the bounds of the enclosing area).
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyMaxWidth
Maximal width of the label's text in pixels. If the text is bigger than the given size lines will be broken according to the wrapping mode.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyOpacity
Opacity of the text container. Value should be in 0..1. The default value is 1.
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyPadding
Padding of the text container in pixels (spacing to sub-areas).
(Inherited from INChartPlaced.)
Public propertyText
Text to display in the label.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyTextAlignment
Alignment of the label's text.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyTextColor
Color of the label's text.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyTextWrapping
Wrapping mode of the label's text.
(Inherited from INChartLabel.)
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
Vertical alignment of the tooltip. It is used if tooltip has no arrow presented, otherwise it is ignored. See NChartTooltipVerticalAlignment.
Public propertyVisible
Flag that determines if the object is visible (true) or not (false). The default value is true.
(Inherited from INChartObject.)
Public methodSetVisibleAnimated
Change visibility of tooltip animated.
See Also