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NChartDataSmootherSBezier Class
The NChartDataSmootherSBezier class provides data smoother based on bezier interpolation (with control points calculated to ensure defect 1 spline) used to create smooth lines on the charts by only a few points. Typically this smoother is used for line and area series. This smoother ensures better smoothing in comparison with NChartDataSmootherTBezier, but has larger deviation from the linear data interpolation and can produce fake extremums.However, the deviation of the fake extremums is smaller in comparison with NChartDataSmootherSpline and NChartDataSmootherLagrange.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public sealed class NChartDataSmootherSBezier : INChartDataSmoother

The NChartDataSmootherSBezier type exposes the following members.

Public methodNChartDataSmootherSBezier
Create new instance of data smoother.
Public propertyDataSmootherInternal
Return internal class.
Public propertyResolution
Resolution of the spline. Resolution is the number of subdivisions by the step dimension for each segment. The default value is 32. The allowed value are [2 .. 1024].
Public propertyStepDimension
Key of the value that should be interpreted as step dimension. Typically it is NChartValue.X (which is the default value), however for bar series it should be NChartValue.Y.
Public propertyValueDimension
Key of the value that should be interpreted as height dimension. Typically it is NChartValue.Y (which is the default value), however for bar series it should be NChartValue.X.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also