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NChartFunnelSeries Class
The NChartFunnelSeries class provides methods to display funnel series. This chart type has some specialties: - All axes are ignored, so it is reasonable to hide the axes by displaying funnel chart. - Only the first point from each series, all other points are ignored. - Only Y-value from the point is used, all the other values are ignored.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public sealed class NChartFunnelSeries : IClosable, 
	INChartObject, INChartSeries, INChartSolidSeries

The NChartFunnelSeries type exposes the following members.

Public methodNChartFunnelSeries
Initializes a new instance of the NChartFunnelSeries class
Public propertyBorderBrush
Brush of the border that surrounds the series.
Public propertyBorderThickness
Thickness (in pixels) of the border that surrounds the series.
Public propertyBottomRadius
Bottom radius of the series in interval [0, 1]. The default value is 0.5.
Public propertyBrush
Brush that fills the series.
Public propertyChart
Chart the object belongs to. This property is assigned automatically whenever the object is assigned to the chart.
Public propertyDataSmoother
Data smoother used. The default value is null (no data smooter used).
Public propertyDataSource
Data source for the series.
Public propertyHostsOnSX
Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary X-axis. If true it will be drawn according to the secondary X-axis if false according to the normal X-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: it can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.
Public propertyHostsOnSY
Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary Y-axis. If true it will be drawn according to the secondary Y-axis if false according to the normal Y-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: it can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.
Public propertyHostsOnSZ
Flag that determines if the series is hosted on the secondary Z-axis. If true it will be drawn according to the secondary Z-axis if false according to the normal Z-axis. The secondary axis appears opposite the normal axis and is managed separately: can have its own min and max; its own color settings and so on.
Public propertyImage
Image that is displayed in the legend. This property returns the image only if it was provided by the data source. If the default image is used null is returned.
Public propertyInternalSeries
Return internal class.
Public propertyLegendMarkerSize
Size of default series' marker in legend in pixels. The default value is 20.
Public propertyName
Name of the series.
Public propertyPoints
Array of points.
Public propertyScale
Brush scale of the series used to color the map.
Public propertyTag
Tag of the series. You may use it as you want.
Public propertyTopRadius
Top radius of the series in interval [0,1]. The default value is 0.5.
Public propertyVisible
Flag that determines if the object is visible (true) or not (false). The default value is true.
Public methodClose
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also