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NChartStreamData Method
Stream the data. This causes the updating of chart to display new states of points. The data are going to be processed, so minimum and maximum on the axes may change. Use this method in the following use-case: if your set of points was not changed, but the values in the states of points do, you can update the chart thrugh this method much faster than through regular UpdateData. The difference with RebuildSeries is that StreamData _does not_ reload data from data source, but _does_ the optimized data processing (it's faster than regular data processing). Series will use the points they already have (the points are mutable, so you can change their data anywhere you want). The difference with UpdateSeries is that StreamData is even faster and _does_ the optimized data processing. So use it to reflect some realtime "streaming" changes of data. This method requires StreamingMode to be on, use StreamingMode = true for this. The first appearance of series should be initialized by the UpdateData call. StreamData is to change the already displayed series only.

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public void StreamData()
See Also