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NChartPoint Class
The NChartPoint class provides methods to manage chart's points.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public sealed class NChartPoint : IClosable

The NChartPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArea
Touch area rect.
Public propertyCurrentState
Direct access to current state. This is a bit faster and more convenient than a query element of the states' array by currentStateIndex. If a point was created with a single state this property is the only way to access it.
Public propertyCurrentStateIndex
Index of current state. If a point was created with a single state this property always returns 0.
Public propertyHighlightColor
Highlight color. Some points can be highlighted by color for example in column pie or bubble (where the points are individual objects). In series like line and area the color highlight can be applied to the markers so for these series this property has effect only if the marker is set.
Public propertyHighlightShift
Highlight shift. Some points can be highlighted by shift for example in pie. The shift is set in scene units. For example the radius of pie is 1 scene unit so you can use this value as a reference.
Public propertyLabel
Label that is shown near the point. It is null by default. The label does not change its content automatically. By altering its text you can display any information you want but you should do it yourself. Label is similar to tooltip but it is placed in the top of the point by default. You can have tooltip and label simultaneously displaying different information.
Public propertySeries
Series the point belongs to.
Public propertyStates
Array of states. See NChartPointState for details. If a point was created with a single state the array of states is not allocated and this property returns null.
Public propertyTag
Tag of the point. You may use it as you want.
Public propertyTooltip
Tooltip that is shown on the point. It is null by default. The tooltip is just a label it does not change its content automatically. By altering its text you can display any information you want but you should do it yourself. Tooltip is similar to label but it is placed in the center of the point by default. You can have tooltip and label simultaneously displaying different information.
Public methodClose
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHighlight
Highlight point using the highlight settings done by HighlightColor and HighlightShift properties.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also