NChart3D Changelog
- Support of VoiceOver accessibility features in iOS
- Support of TalkBack accessibility features in Android
- Uniform gradient for column chart
- Improvements for value axis labels alignment
- New format of the framework (xcframework); please see this blog post for migration details
- Fix for Mac Catalyst
- Fix for Metal support
- Fix for Mac Catalyst
- Support of Mac Catalyst
- Fix for brush scale color in Android
- Metal rendering backend for iOS and macOS
- Data smoother improvements to make it compatible with the streaming mode
- API to move coordinate planes
- API to freeze the level of details on the value axes
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Horizontal brush scale legend support
- Optional grouping of positive and negative values in additive axis mode
- macOS Catalina related issues corrected
- NChart3D for Android: support of ARM64
- Gradient legend
- Column series improvements:
- API to set thickness of columns in chart coordinates
- API snap the columns' bottom to the axis minimum rather than to zero
- API to flip value axis caption
- Minor bugfixes
- Deprecation of labelsAlignment property of value axis
- Range selector
- Data smoother for surface series
- Improvement of bubble and surface series rendering
- Support of tooltips in surface series
- API to switch point selection on/off in series
- Fixes for gradient brush scale
- Separated handling of chart and legend interactions
- Migrating iOS and macOS samples to ARC
- NChart3D NuGet package released
- Minor bugfixes
- Static lines: stationary lines drawn across the chart in given position and API to query chart values under them
- API to override global value axes mode for certain series
- API to switch off legend interactions
- API to flip value axes
- API to stop the chart at its center
- Improvement of surface drawing: gaps filling algorithm
- Improvement of brush scale in area series
- Introducing NChart3D for tvOS
- Improvement of series Z-order in 2D mode
- Minor bugfixes
- Support of Swift 4 in NChart3D for iOS and macOS
- Support of 4D values displayed by surface (X, Y, Z mapped to the shape of surface and W mapped to its color via color scale)
- API to switch off default restriction of rotation around X-axis in 3D mode
- Improvements of:
- Heatmap and surface visual quality when color scales are used
- Auto scrolling mechanism
- Data extending mechanism
- Auto fitting of chart
- Value axes auto layout
- Axes marks auto layout
- Tooltips auto layout
- Time axis auto layout
- 3x content scale support
- Small bugfixes for Xamarin binding
- Discontinuous axes based on axes marks
- Improvement of axes marks layout
- Analytical tools:
- Peak detection based on moving average
- Trend line calculation based on OLS
- API to make a perpetual rotation
- Bugfixes for screen content scale switching
- Multithreading stability improvement
- Fixes in NChart3D for iOS related to the new version of Swift
- API to get frames of legend and time axis
- Small bugfixes and memory management improvements
- API for saving screenshot to file in NChart3D for UWP
- API to catch zoom changes
- Memory usage optimizations
- AudioQueue instead of AVCaptureSession in microphone streaming example of iOS demo app
- Fix of the NChart3D for UWP crashing on the ARM architecture
- New flexible API to control axes intersection
- API to position callout in the arbitrary place of plot area
- Ticks are always on the axis now
- Tiny ticks
- Minor and tiny grids
- Logarithmic mode for axes
- Dash for axis line, grid line, crosshair lines and line series
- Transparent background
- Release of NChart3D for Windows (UWP)
- Brush scale legend
- Improved support of brush scale in surface series
- Bugfixes, improvements and optimizations
- More clear chart rotation API
- Fix for the 3D and 2D interactive chart rotation
- Minor fixes for grid and labels drawing in the polar coordinate system
- Fix for chart rendering in iOS demo application after unlocking the device
- Support of Slide Over and Split View modes in iOS demo
- Improved algorithm for dealing with fonts
- Mechanism to update a crosshair without redrawing the whole chart
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements
- Support for new Xamarin version
- An updated zoom mechanism
- macOS resize bug fix
- Line series and area series display fixes for 65K+ points
- Bugfixes, improvements and optimizations
- Bugfixes, improvements and optimizations
- Value axis delegate to handle tapping the labels of axes ticks
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Improvement of compatibility with old Android-based devices that have limited graphics capabilities
- Fixes of axes ticks handling algorithm
- Improvements of transparency support
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Touch area series
- Improvement of axis' ticks grouping algorithm
- Memory optimizations
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Android and Xamarin related fixes
- iOS Bitcode support fix
- Fixes for line and bubble series working with date/time axis
- Small core improvements
- Handling of clicks on the entries in legend
- Lagrange data smoother
- Improvement of data smoother based on Bezier curve with control points calculated according to tangents to the curve being smoothed
- Value axis mode to display date and time, support of chart points with date and time values
- New Android view based on TextureView (NChartTextureView) that allows seamless work within complex containers like ScrollView
- Option to hide horizontal lines of candlestick series shadows
- Support of interlaced background
- Thread safety improvements
- Support of Bitcode for iOS
- Support of Swift 2
- Bugfixes and optimizations
- Real-time data appending as a part of streaming mode
- Option to scroll to the newly appended data automatically
- Option to zoom the chart automatically after scrolling
- Marks on axes to highlight some values
- Automatic calculation of optimal zoom for big chart point numbers
- Customizable intersection point of the axes
- A mode to keep chart markers the same size regardless of the zoom
- Fix for crosshair tooltip position
- Improvement of line drawing mechanism
- Improvement of value axes drawing mechanism
- Improvement of callouts:
- Better work with pie series
- Different callout line types
- Support of C++11
- Fix for using NChart3D with Objective-C++
- Refactoring of data smoothers. Now there are 3 different smoothers available:
- Based on classical defect 1 cubic spline
- Based on cubic Bezier curve with control points calculated to ensure defect 1 of the spline
- Based on cubic Bezier curve with control points calculated according to tangents to the curve being smoothed
- Bugfixes, improvements and optimizations
- Android related fixes
- Method to change the default arrow orientation of tooltips
- Memory management fixes for Android
- Memory management improvements
- Bugfixes
- Method to set legend handler images
- Improvement of the code sample demonstrating different chart types
- Bugfixes
- Fix for background gradient
- Ability to set marker touch area separately from marker size
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Bugfixes
- Update for EULA to reflect the conditions of maintenance and support
- NChart3D public API:
- Chart delegate is revised
- Android API:
- Names of interfaces are changed
- All enums are moved to global namespace
- Names of some methods are changed
- Xamarin.iOS API:
- Names of interface methods are changed
- Constructors of brushes and points are changed
- NChart3D core:
- Marker size is now interpreted in pixels if no size axis data source given
- Bevel effect for pie
- Rounded corners for columns and bars
- Draggable crosshair with tooltip and image
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Bugfixes and improvements
- New demo for iOS with real data completed (iPhone + iPad)
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- Export charts to images in Android and OSX versions
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Time axis can be used with all series types
- New animations for column and line series
- Crosshair
- Export charts to images or CGContext in iOS version
- Line break mode for axis labels
- Options to control center of axis labels
- Options to control default angles in 3D mode
- New demo app for iPad with real data
- Support of the Xamarin Unified API (however the Classic API is still supported too)
- Improvements of user interactions control
- Better layout of time axis
- Improvement of the area series look
- Bugfixes
- Fixes for iOS 8
- Support of Swift
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Release of NChart3D for Android
- Release of NChart3D Xamarin Binding for Android
- NChart3D Xamarin Binding for iOS API change: data sources and delegates are now interfaces, not classes
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Heatmap chart type
- Brush scale that maps values from points to given brushes
- Improvements of radar chart
- Improvements of multithreading
- Small bubbles in bubble series remain accessible when overlapped by bigger ones
- Line break mode for legend's entries
- API change: NChartMarker is now a part of NChartPointState (previously NChartPointState was inherited from NChartMarker)
- Memory usage optimizations
- Bugfixes
- Fix for empty series names
- Text alignment for labels and tooltips
- Fix for legend content alignment
- Fix for tooltip padding
- Fix for Xamarin Binding
- Fix for tooltips in bubble series
- Fix for line thickness
- Fix for tooltip margin
- Fix for pie rotation
- Fix for legend
- Fix for point selection
- Release of NChart3D for OS X
- Bugfixes and improvements
- Fill ratio for column groups
- Fix for iOS 8
- Minor bugfixes
- Fix for no data
- Funnel chart type
- Column grouping option
- Improvement of axes labels rotation
- Control over chart's pivot
- Bugfixes
- Spline-based data smoothing
- Radar chart type
- Fixes of legend
- Rotation of axes labels
- Alignment of chart caption
- Bugfixes for arm64
- Bugfixes
- Improvement of rendering thread management
- Fix of crash by deleting NChartView
- Fix for user interactions control
- Streaming: realtime data updating. It is demonstrated in the AppStore demo as a microphone spectrum visualization
- Advanced animations for charts
- Custom chart background image
- Advanced control over user interactions
- Interpolators that control animated values
- Incremental minimum/maximum mode
- Little refactoring of NChart delegate
- Delegate method to catch event of animation ending
- Fixes for size axis and marker sizes
- Fixes for rotation
- Support of multithreading
- New interface of AppStore demo
- Bugfixes, optimizations and improvements
- Improvements for the Xamarin API, the types used are now more native
- Control shading model in 3D chart
- Custom numeric values on the axes
- Option for tooltip that lets it leave chart's plot area
- Bugfixes
- Support of x86_64 architecture that allows to build for 64bit iOS Simulator
- Bugfixes
- Xamarin support
- Improvement of surface chart - now gaps in data are supported
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- OHLC chart type
- Band chart type
- Sequence chart type
- Step line chart type
- Scatter chart type
- Programmable changing of chart zoom with animation, maximal and minimal zoom adjustment
- Programmable changing of view angles with animation
- Fit to screen
- Selection of points (by color and offset)
- Better animation of line, area and ribbon
- Markers for line, step line, area and ribbon
- iPhone demo, better iPhone support
- Labels for points
- Ability to change colors of line and ribbon series by setting the brushes for points
- Refactoring of the global settings for series
- Label in the center of pie
- Ability to switch off selection by tap (may be useful to optimize charts by memory and speed of data updating on the huge datasets)
- Ability to switch between parallel and perspective projection in 3D mode
- Bugfixes
- Optimizations
- Bugfixes