Today we are glad to present the new version of NChart3D, our universal charting framework for iOS, Android, macOS and Windows (UWP). To the library users who asked us for the new APIs: thank you for your suggestions! We have implemented two new APIs. The first one is designed to catch zoom changes. The second one is for saving screenshot to file in NChart3D for UWP. We also improved the software performance through the memory usage optimizations.
What’s new in version 2.8:
- API for saving screenshot to file in NChart3D for UWP
- API to catch zoom changes
- Memory usage optimizations
- AudioQueue instead of AVCaptureSession in microphone streaming example of iOS demo app
A new version is available on our website:
NChart3D v2.8 for iOS:
NChart3D v2.8 for Android:
NChart3D v2.8 for macOS:
NChart3D v2.8 for Windows (UWP):