We’re excited to announce a new version of our charting library NChart3D! NChart3D 2.2 for iOS, Android and OS X features new series type for creating interactive maps, improved axis' ticks grouping algorithm, optimizations of memory management, bug fixes and improvements.
In this version we introduce the new series type called “touch area series”. Touch area series allow displaying a full screen image and defining hot spots on it. Clicking on these spots will trigger certain actions such as pop-ups. Panning and zooming effects are also available. Series of this kind are suitable for creating interactive maps and similar visualizations where image areas corresponds to a set of data.
The NChart3D v2.2 release includes improved axis ticks grouping algorithm to make it more intuitive. As users zoom out the series, ticks on category axis will group together automatically. This reduces the number of labels on the axis and makes the view cleaner. The groups now include odd numbers of ticks only and are labeled with the name of middle tick.
We made some optimizations of memory management, bug fixes and improvements as well.
Here’s the complete list of new features:
– Touch area series
– Improvement of axis ticks grouping algorithm
– Memory optimizations
– Bug fixes and improvements
The new version is available on our site:
NChart3D v2.2 for iOS: http://nchart3d.com/nchart/download
NChart3D v2.2 for Android: http://nchart3d.com/nchart-android/download
NChart3D v2.2 for OS X: http://nchart3d.com/nchart-osx/download