com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart Class Reference

The NChart class provides a container for the chart. More...

Public Member Functions

NChartSeries[] getSeries ()
 Array of series.
void addSeries (NChartSeries series)
 Add series to chart. More...
void removeSeries (NChartSeries series)
 Remove series from chart. More...
void removeAllSeries ()
 Remove all series from chart.
void addSeriesSettings (NChartSeriesSettings settings)
 Add global settings for the series. More...
void removeSeriesSettings (Class settingsClass)
 Remove all the global settings for the series by given class. More...
void removeAllSeriesSettings ()
 Remove all the global settings for the series.
NChartSeriesSettings seriesSettings (Class settingsClass)
 Get settings of given settings class. More...
void updateData ()
 Force chart to be updated. More...
void extendData ()
 Force chart to extend the points arrays of series. More...
int getPointsHistoryLength ()
 Property that determines the maximal length of series' points array. More...
void setPointsHistoryLength (int pointsHistoryLength)
 For details see getPointsHistoryLength().
void rebuildSeries ()
 Force series to rebuild by reloading data from data source. More...
void updateSeries ()
 Force series to be updated without reloading data from data source. More...
boolean isStreamingMode ()
 Flag determining if streaming mode is enabled. More...
void setStreamingMode (boolean streamingMode)
 For details see isStreamingMode().
void streamData ()
 Stream the data. More...
boolean isIncrementalMinMaxMode ()
 Incremental minimum and maximum calculation mode. More...
void setIncrementalMinMaxMode (boolean incrementalMinMaxMode)
 For details see isIncrementalMinMaxMode().
void flushChanges ()
 Synchronize all the changes with visual appearance. More...
void relayout ()
 Force chart to relayout. More...
void alignCenter (float duration)
 Change position so that the chart is aligned to the center of the screen. More...
void fitToScreen (float duration)
 Change zoom and position so that the chart fits the screen (with current rotation, if in 3D). More...
float getZoom ()
 Zoom of the chart. More...
void setZoom (float zoom)
 For details see getZoom().
void zoomTo (float zoom, float duration, float delay)
 Zoom of the chart. More...
float getMinZoom ()
 Minimal zoom of the chart. More...
void setMinZoom (float minZoom)
 For details see getMinZoom().
float getMaxZoom ()
 Maximal zoom of the chart. More...
void setMaxZoom (float maxZoom)
 For details see getMaxZoom().
boolean shouldCalculate2DZoomBoundsAutomatically ()
 Flag determining if zoom in 2D mode should be calculated automatically (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldCalculate2DZoomBoundsAutomatically (boolean shouldCalculate2DZoomBoundsAutomatically)
 For details see shouldCalculate2DZoomBoundsAutomatically().
void rotateAroundYToAngle (float angle, float duration, float delay)
 Rotate chart around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) with animation (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
float getYAngle ()
 Rotation angle around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
void setYAngle (float yAngle)
 For details see getYAngle().
float getInitialYAngle ()
 Initial rotation angle around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
void setInitialYAngle (float initialYAngle)
 For details see getInitialYAngle().
boolean getPermanentRotationY ()
 Flag determining if permanent rotation around Y-Axis is on (true), or off (false). More...
void setPermanentRotationY (boolean permanentRotationY)
 For details see getPermanentRotationY().
float getPermanentRotationYSpeed ()
 Speed of permanent rotation around Y-Axis (in radians per second). More...
void setPermanentRotationYSpeed (float permanentRotationYSpeed)
 For details see getPermanentRotationYSpeed().
void rotateAroundXToAngle (float angle, float duration, float delay)
 Rotate chart around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) with animation (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
float getXAngle ()
 Rotation angle around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
void setXAngle (float xAngle)
 For details see getXAngle().
float getInitialXAngle ()
 Initial rotation angle around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only). More...
void setInitialXAngle (float initialXAngle)
 For details see getInitialXAngle().
boolean getPermanentRotationX ()
 Flag determining if permanent rotation around X-Axis is on (true), or off (false). More...
void setPermanentRotationX (boolean permanentRotationX)
 For details see getPermanentRotationX().
float getPermanentRotationXSpeed ()
 Speed of permanent rotation around X-Axis (in radians per second). More...
void setPermanentRotationXSpeed (float permanentRotationXSpeed)
 For details see getPermanentRotationXSpeed().
void rotatePolarToAngle (float angle, float duration, float delay)
 Rotate polar coordinate system with animation (has effect in 2D mode only). More...
float getPolarAngle ()
 Rotation angle of the polar coordinate system in radians (has effect in 2D mode only). More...
void setPolarAngle (float polarAngle)
 For details see getPolarAngle().
float getInitialPolarAngle ()
 Initial rotation angle of the polar coordinate system in radians (has effect in 2D mode only). More...
void setInitialPolarAngle (float initialPolarAngle)
 For details see getInitialPolarAngle().
NChartBrush getBackground ()
 Brush that fills the chart's background. More...
void setBackground (NChartBrush background)
 For details see getBackground().
boolean isDrawIn3D ()
 Flag that determines if a chart should be drawn in 3D (true) or in 2D (false). More...
void setDrawIn3D (boolean drawIn3D)
 For details see isDrawIn3D().
boolean isUseParallelProjection ()
 Flag that determines if a chart use parallel projection (true) or perspective projection (false) in 3D-mode. More...
void setUseParallelProjection (boolean useParallelProjection)
 For details see isUseParallelProjection().
NChartCartesianSystem getCartesianSystem ()
 Cartesian coordinates system used to store value axes and supplementary visual items. More...
NChartPolarSystem getPolarSystem ()
 Polar coordinates system used to store value axes and supplementary visual items. More...
NChartSizeAxis getSizeAxis ()
 Size axis used to scale the sizes of markers. More...
NChartTimeAxis getTimeAxis ()
 Time axis used to navigate through the time ticks. More...
boolean isPointSelectionEnabled ()
 Flag determining if the chart points can be selected by tap (true) or not (false). More...
void setPointSelectionEnabled (boolean pointSelectionEnabled)
 For details see isPointSelectionEnabled().
void resetTransformations (float duration)
 Reset all transformations to initial values. More...
void playTransition (float duration, boolean reverse)
 Play animated transition from old state to new one. More...
void resetTransition ()
 Reset transition by cleaning up the cache made from the previous updateData() call. More...
boolean isTransitionPlaying ()
 Check if transition is playing. More...
void stopTransition ()
 Stop transition. More...
NChartLegend getLegend ()
 Legend of the chart. More...
NChartScaleLegend[] getScaleLegends ()
 Scale legends array. More...
void addScaleLegend (NChartScaleLegend scaleLegend)
 Add scale legend. More...
void removeScaleLegend (NChartScaleLegend scaleLegend)
 Remove scale legend. More...
void removeAllScaleLegends ()
 Remove all scale legends. More...
NChartCaption getCaption ()
 Caption of the chart. More...
NChartMargin getMargin ()
 Margin of the chart that determines how far the content of chart starts from view's bounds. More...
void setMargin (NChartMargin margin)
 For details see getMargin().
boolean isShowFPS ()
 Flag that determines if FPS rate should be displayed (true) or not (false). More...
void setShowFPS (boolean showFPS)
 For details see isShowFPS().
boolean shouldAntialias ()
 Flag that determines if the image should be anti-aliased (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldAntialias (boolean shouldAntialias)
 For details see shouldAntialias().
boolean isAdaptiveAntialiasing ()
 Flag that determines if anti-aliasing is adaptive (true) or not (false). More...
void setAdaptiveAntialiasing (boolean adaptiveAntialiasing)
 For details see isAdaptiveAntialiasing().
NChartZoomMode getZoomMode ()
 Zoom mode used in chart. More...
void setZoomMode (NChartZoomMode zoomMode)
 For details see getZoomMode().
boolean isZoomToPointMode ()
 Flag that determines if chart is zoomed to the cursor (true) or to the screen center (false). More...
void setZoomToPointMode (boolean zoomToPointMode)
 For details see isZoomToPointMode().
boolean shouldBounceZoom ()
 Flag that determines if zoom should bounce (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldBounceZoom (boolean shouldBounceZoom)
 For details see shouldBounceZoom().
boolean shouldBouncePan ()
 Flag that determines if pan should bounce (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldBouncePan (boolean shouldBouncePan)
 For details see shouldBouncePan().
int getUserInteractionMode ()
 Interaction mode used in the chart. More...
void setUserInteractionMode (int userInteractionMode)
 For details see getUserInteractionMode().
NChartShadingModel getShadingModel ()
 Shading model that is used in 3D mode. More...
void setShadingModel (NChartShadingModel shadingModel)
 For details see getShadingModel().
boolean isAlwaysPreserveZoomAndPosition ()
 Flag determining if chart content always preserves zoom and position (true) or not (false). More...
void setAlwaysPreserveZoomAndPosition (boolean alwaysPreserveZoomAndPosition)
 For details see isAlwaysPreserveZoomAndPosition().
void beginTransaction ()
 Begin data changing transaction. More...
void endTransaction ()
 End data changing transaction. More...
boolean shouldConvertZoomToAllowed ()
 Flag determining if all zoom should be converted to the allowed zoom modes (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldConvertZoomToAllowed (boolean shouldConvertZoomToAllowed)
 For details see shouldConvertZoomToAllowed().
boolean shouldAutoScroll ()
 Flag determining if chart should automatically scroll (true) or not (false) to the end if new data are added by the extendData() call. More...
void setShouldAutoScroll (boolean shouldAutoScroll)
 For details see shouldAutoScroll().
float getAutoScrollDuration ()
 Duration of auto scroll in seconds. More...
void setAutoScrollDuration (float autoScrollDuration)
 For details see getAutoScrollDuration().
boolean shouldToggleAutoScrollByPan ()
 Flag determining if automatical scroll should be automatically toggled by pan (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldToggleAutoScrollByPan (boolean shouldToggleAutoScrollByPan)
 For details see shouldToggleAutoScrollByPan().
NChartAutoScrollLabel getAutoScrollLabel ()
 Label that indicates whenever automatical scroll is switched on or off. More...
void setAutoScrollLabel (NChartAutoScrollLabel autoScrollLabel)
 For details see getAutoScrollLabel().
String getLicenseKey ()
 License key of product.
void setLicenseKey (String licenseKey)
 For details see getLicenseKey().
String getVersionInfo ()
 Get version info.
NChartDelegate getDelegate ()
 Chart delegate. More...
void setDelegate (NChartDelegate delegate)
 For details see getDelegate().
PointF getPivot ()
 Pivot of the chart in the internal chart scene coordinates. More...
void setPivot (PointF pivot)
 For details see getPivot().
boolean shouldLimitRotationX ()
 Flag determining if rotation around X-Axis is limited (true) or not (false). More...
void setShouldLimitRotationX (boolean shouldLimitRotationX)
 For details see shouldLimitRotationX().
void performScroll (PointF location, PointF translation, PointF velocity, int touchesCount, NChartEventPhase phase)
 Perform scroll. More...
void performScale (PointF location, PointF direction, float scale, float velocity, NChartEventPhase phase)
 Perform scale. More...
NChartStaticLine[] getStaticLines ()
 Array of static lines. More...
void addStaticLine (NChartStaticLine staticLine)
 Add static line. More...
void removeAllStaticLines ()
 Remove all static lines. More...
boolean shouldStopAtCenter ()
 Flag indicating if series should stop scrolling at the center of the chart plot area (true) or at the right/left border (false). More...
void setShouldStopAtCenter (boolean shouldStopAtCenter)
 For details see shouldStopAtCenter().
boolean isAccessibilityElement ()
 Flag determining if accessibility features are switched on for the chart. More...
void setIsAccessibilityElement (boolean isAccessibilityElement)
 For details see isAccessibilityElement().

Static Public Member Functions

static void initNativeLibrary ()
 Normally you don't need to call this method. More...

Detailed Description

The NChart class provides a container for the chart.

Member Function Documentation

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.addScaleLegend ( NChartScaleLegend  scaleLegend)

Add scale legend.

scaleLegend- scale legend to add.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.addSeries ( NChartSeries  series)

Add series to chart.

series- series to add.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.addSeriesSettings ( NChartSeriesSettings  settings)

Add global settings for the series.

If you previously set some settings, they will be overwritten by new ones.

settings- settings for the series.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.addStaticLine ( NChartStaticLine  staticLine)

Add static line.

staticLine- static line to add.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.alignCenter ( float  duration)

Change position so that the chart is aligned to the center of the screen.

This method takes effect in 3D mode only.

duration- duration of the animation in seconds.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.beginTransaction ( )

Begin data changing transaction.

You should call this method before any changes of chart settings/data in separate thread. After the changes are made, you should call endTransaction(). The typical use-case of multithreading in NChart3D is the streaming - the realtime data updating.

Note: there is no sense to call this method in main thread.

See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.endTransaction ( )

End data changing transaction.

See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.extendData ( )

Force chart to extend the points arrays of series.

Only newly added data are processed by this call. Minimums and maximums may change. Call this method always you want to extend the data array without changing old data. This method causes series to query new portion of data through extraPoints(NChartSeries series); call of their data sources. But you cannot extend the array of points forever, so there is a property getPointsHistoryLength() that determines the length of history. The difference with updateData() is that only newly added points are processed and the array of these points is queried through extraPoints(NChartSeries series); call of NChartSeriesDataSource. This can save you time by updating large data sets. See also NChartSeriesDataSource.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.fitToScreen ( float  duration)

Change zoom and position so that the chart fits the screen (with current rotation, if in 3D).

duration- duration of the animation in seconds.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.flushChanges ( )

Synchronize all the changes with visual appearance.

You may call this method after all your data is updated (it means after you called updateData() and NChart#playTransition(float, boolean) because NChart#playTransition(float, boolean) only says that transition should start playing and does not wait till it plays completely) to ensure that the visual appearance will be updated as soon as possible. You may call this method on the big dataset to reduce lag between your updateData() call and actual updating.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getAutoScrollDuration ( )

Duration of auto scroll in seconds.

The default value is 0.25.

See also
NChartAutoScrollLabel com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getAutoScrollLabel ( )

Label that indicates whenever automatical scroll is switched on or off.

The default value is null. This label takes effect in 2D mode only.

See also
NChartBrush com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getBackground ( )

Brush that fills the chart's background.

See also
NChartCaption com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getCaption ( )

Caption of the chart.

See also
NChartCartesianSystem com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getCartesianSystem ( )

Cartesian coordinates system used to store value axes and supplementary visual items.

See also
NChartDelegate com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getDelegate ( )

Chart delegate.

See also
float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getInitialPolarAngle ( )

Initial rotation angle of the polar coordinate system in radians (has effect in 2D mode only).

The default value is 0 (0 degrees).

This is the angle the chart is rotated back to if you call resetTransformations(float) method.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getInitialXAngle ( )

Initial rotation angle around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only).

The default value is -0.87 (-50 degrees).

This is the angle the chart is rotated back to if you call resetTransformations(float) method.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getInitialYAngle ( )

Initial rotation angle around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only).

The default value is 3.93 (225 degrees).

This is the angle the chart is rotated back to if you call resetTransformations(float) method.

NChartLegend com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getLegend ( )

Legend of the chart.

See also
NChartMargin com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getMargin ( )

Margin of the chart that determines how far the content of chart starts from view's bounds.

The default margin is zero on all sides.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getMaxZoom ( )

Maximal zoom of the chart.

After this zoom is reached by user interactions, chart starts bouncing zoom. The maximal zoom differs in 2D and 3D mode. In 2D mode the default value is recalculated each time the chart is layed out (by changing of the frame or by updating data) according to the data on the axes. In 3D the default value is 2.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getMinZoom ( )

Minimal zoom of the chart.

After this zoom is reached by user interactions, chart starts bouncing zoom. The minimal zoom differs in 2D and 3D mode. In 3D mode the default value is 0.5. In 2D it is 1.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPermanentRotationX ( )

Flag determining if permanent rotation around X-Axis is on (true), or off (false).

The default value is false. Use this flag if you want the chart to rotate around X-Axis without any interactions. This property takes effect in 3D mode only.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPermanentRotationXSpeed ( )

Speed of permanent rotation around X-Axis (in radians per second).

The default value is 0. See getPermanentRotationX() for more info about permanent rotation.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPermanentRotationY ( )

Flag determining if permanent rotation around Y-Axis is on (true), or off (false).

The default value is false. Use this flag if you want the chart to rotate around Y-Axis without any interactions. This property takes effect in 3D mode only.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPermanentRotationYSpeed ( )

Speed of permanent rotation around Y-Axis (in radians per second).

The default value is 0. See getPermanentRotationY() for more info about permanent rotation.

PointF com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPivot ( )

Pivot of the chart in the internal chart scene coordinates.

Use this property if you want to save and than restore position of the chart. This property works for 2D and 3D modes. Theoretically you can use this property to pan the chart programmatically, however it is better to use NChartValueAxis#zoomToRegion(float, float, float, float).

int com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPointsHistoryLength ( )

Property that determines the maximal length of series' points array.

The default value is 1000. The array of points in series is determined after updateData call (by querying points from series' data sources) and then can be extended after extendData call. The property pointsHistoryLength takes effect by using extendData only. The new points are added to the end of the points' array of the series and if the array exceeds the given length, first n points are deleted, where n = array.length - pointsHistoryLength.

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPolarAngle ( )

Rotation angle of the polar coordinate system in radians (has effect in 2D mode only).

The default value is 0 (0 degrees).

NChartPolarSystem com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getPolarSystem ( )

Polar coordinates system used to store value axes and supplementary visual items.

See also
NChartScaleLegend [] com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getScaleLegends ( )

Scale legends array.

It's empty by default.

See also
NChartShadingModel com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getShadingModel ( )

Shading model that is used in 3D mode.

The default value is NChartShadingModelPhong.

Note: This property controls shading for the 3D charts like surfaces, columns, etc. Shading model for point markers is controlled through their brushes. Note: This property takes effect in 3D mode only.

See also
NChartSizeAxis com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getSizeAxis ( )

Size axis used to scale the sizes of markers.

See also
NChartStaticLine [] com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getStaticLines ( )

Array of static lines.

Static line are the lines drawn on top of the chart plot area in the given position, not moving with the chart series and not responding to the user interactions. You can use static lines to make custom borders or static visual indicators.

NChartTimeAxis com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getTimeAxis ( )

Time axis used to navigate through the time ticks.

See also
int com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getUserInteractionMode ( )

Interaction mode used in the chart.

The default is NChartUserInteraction#All.

Note: You can use multiple interactions concatenated with bitwise OR to specify the mask of what is available.

See also
float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getXAngle ( )

Rotation angle around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only).

The default value is -0.87 (-50 degrees).

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getYAngle ( )

Rotation angle around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) in radians (has effect in 3D mode only).

The default value is 3.93 (225 degrees).

float com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getZoom ( )

Zoom of the chart.

The default zoom is 1 which corresponds to the fitting the chart to screen (both in 2D and 3D). The zooming is proportional. If you want non-proportional zoom in 2D mode, you should use NChartValueAxis#zoomToRegion(float, float, float, float). If you want to alter the initial zoom, you should change the value of this property after updateData() call.

NChartZoomMode com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.getZoomMode ( )

Zoom mode used in chart.

The default is NChartZoomMode#Proportional.

See also
static void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.initNativeLibrary ( )

Normally you don't need to call this method.

Native library initialized automatically when NChartView is loaded. Use this if you need NChart API before UI loaded to prevent UnsatisfiedLinkError.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isAccessibilityElement ( )

Flag determining if accessibility features are switched on for the chart.

The default value is false.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isAdaptiveAntialiasing ( )

Flag that determines if anti-aliasing is adaptive (true) or not (false).

Adaptivity means that it is switched off automatically for the time-critical periods like user interactions or animation playing. This property takes effect if shouldAntialias() is true only. The default value is true.

See also
boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isAlwaysPreserveZoomAndPosition ( )

Flag determining if chart content always preserves zoom and position (true) or not (false).

This flag takes effect in 3D mode only. If this flag is set to false, when you change the frame of the chart, 3D content will be zoomed and shifted to fit the screen. If this flag is set to true, you should call resetTransformations(float) to fit the content in the screen manually. The default value is false.

The common use-case for this flag is when you smoothly change the size of the chart. For such resize session you should set this flag to true, and after the session you should probably call resetTransformations(float).

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isDrawIn3D ( )

Flag that determines if a chart should be drawn in 3D (true) or in 2D (false).

The default value is false.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isIncrementalMinMaxMode ( )

Incremental minimum and maximum calculation mode.

This mode makes sense in streaming mode only. If the incremental mode is on, new minimum cannot be greater and new maximum cannot be less than the ones calculated on the previous datasets. The default value is false.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isPointSelectionEnabled ( )

Flag determining if the chart points can be selected by tap (true) or not (false).

The default value is true. If you do not want to select points by tap, it is better to disable selection, because it will save memory and boost the data updating.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isShowFPS ( )

Flag that determines if FPS rate should be displayed (true) or not (false).

You may use this for debug purposes or if you are just curious, but it's a very bad idea to show FPS in production code, because it results in continuous rendering that loads CPU and consumes power. If FPS is off, the picture is re-rendered only if it's really needed. The default value is false.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isStreamingMode ( )

Flag determining if streaming mode is enabled.

The default value is false. If streaming mode is set to true, pointSelectionEnabled is automatically set to false to boost the performance of data updating.

See also
boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isTransitionPlaying ( )

Check if transition is playing.

true if playing, false if not.
boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isUseParallelProjection ( )

Flag that determines if a chart use parallel projection (true) or perspective projection (false) in 3D-mode.

The default value is false.

Note: This flag takes effect in 3D-mode only.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.isZoomToPointMode ( )

Flag that determines if chart is zoomed to the cursor (true) or to the screen center (false).

The default value is false.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.performScale ( PointF  location,
PointF  direction,
float  scale,
float  velocity,
NChartEventPhase  phase 

Perform scale.

This method is useful if you need to simulate the event of scale interaction (like pinch or zoom).

location- location where the scale appears in view's coordinates. In terms of pinch or zoom it is location of pointer.
direction- direction of scale change. In multitouch it is vector between pinching finger positions.
scale- current scale.
velocity- velocity of scale change.
phase- phase of scale session.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.performScroll ( PointF  location,
PointF  translation,
PointF  velocity,
int  touchesCount,
NChartEventPhase  phase 

Perform scroll.

This method is useful if you need to simulate the event of scroll interaction (like pan or drag).

location- location where the scroll appears in view's coordinates. In terms of pan or drag it is location of pointer.
translation- difference of current location from initial location (location at the beginning of scroll session).
velocity- velocity of scroll, i.e. of translation changing.
touchesCount- number of pointers performing scroll. In multitouch it is number of fingers.
phase- phase of scroll session.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.playTransition ( float  duration,
boolean  reverse 

Play animated transition from old state to new one.

The old state is cached automatically, so the only thing you need to do for animation is to change the series (by calling addSeries(NChartSeries) / removeSeries(NChartSeries) / removeAllSeries()) or data in the series (by updating data source and calling updateData()) and than call this method.
State is cached when updateData() is called.

duration- duration of transition's animation in seconds.
reverse- flag determining if animation should be played in reverse.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.rebuildSeries ( )

Force series to rebuild by reloading data from data source.

Call this method when you know that the chart layout (including layout of axes, so min and max values) has not changed, but the data in series have. This method invokes updateSeries() automatically. Data are not processed by this call, so values on axes remain unchanged. Use this method if you are absolutely sure minimums and maximums have not changed!

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.relayout ( )

Force chart to relayout.

Call this method if you made some changes but do not want to update data. A call of updateData() invokes relayout automatically.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.removeAllScaleLegends ( )

Remove all scale legends.

See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.removeAllStaticLines ( )

Remove all static lines.

See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.removeScaleLegend ( NChartScaleLegend  scaleLegend)

Remove scale legend.

scaleLegend- scale legend to remove.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.removeSeries ( NChartSeries  series)

Remove series from chart.

series- series to remove.
See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.removeSeriesSettings ( Class  settingsClass)

Remove all the global settings for the series by given class.

settingsClass- class of the series settings to remove.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.resetTransformations ( float  duration)

Reset all transformations to initial values.

duration- duration of animation from current transformations to the beginning.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.resetTransition ( )

Reset transition by cleaning up the cache made from the previous updateData() call.

Call this method if you want to see animation from the default start positions as if you just started the app.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.rotateAroundXToAngle ( float  angle,
float  duration,
float  delay 

Rotate chart around the X-Axis (horizontal axis) with animation (has effect in 3D mode only).

angle- angle around the X-Axis in radians.
duration- duration of the animation in seconds.
delay- delay of animation in seconds.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.rotateAroundYToAngle ( float  angle,
float  duration,
float  delay 

Rotate chart around the Y-Axis (vertical axis) with animation (has effect in 3D mode only).

angle- angle around the Y-Axis in radians.
duration- duration of the animation in seconds.
delay- delay of animation in seconds.
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.rotatePolarToAngle ( float  angle,
float  duration,
float  delay 

Rotate polar coordinate system with animation (has effect in 2D mode only).

angle- angle of the polar coordinate system in radians.
duration- duration of the animation in seconds.
delay- delay of animation in seconds.
NChartSeriesSettings com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.seriesSettings ( Class  settingsClass)

Get settings of given settings class.

If there were no settings set, default settings container for the given type is returned.

settingsClass- class of the series settings to search for.
settings of the given class.
See also
boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldAntialias ( )

Flag that determines if the image should be anti-aliased (true) or not (false).

Antialiasing makes the picture smoother, but impacts performance. The default value is false.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldAutoScroll ( )

Flag determining if chart should automatically scroll (true) or not (false) to the end if new data are added by the extendData() call.

The default value is false. This flag takes effect in 2D mode only.

See also
boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldBouncePan ( )

Flag that determines if pan should bounce (true) or not (false).

The default value is true.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldBounceZoom ( )

Flag that determines if zoom should bounce (true) or not (false).

The default value is true.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldCalculate2DZoomBoundsAutomatically ( )

Flag determining if zoom in 2D mode should be calculated automatically (true) or not (false).

The default value is true.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldConvertZoomToAllowed ( )

Flag determining if all zoom should be converted to the allowed zoom modes (true) or not (false).

The default value is true.

If this flag is true, all the zoom directions are converted to the allowed zoom directions. For example, if only horizontal zoom is allowed, and user zooms in diagonal direction, chart is zoomed horizontally with this flag set to true.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldLimitRotationX ( )

Flag determining if rotation around X-Axis is limited (true) or not (false).

The default value is true.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldStopAtCenter ( )

Flag indicating if series should stop scrolling at the center of the chart plot area (true) or at the right/left border (false).

The default value is false. This property has effect in 2D mode only and only with the series based on the Cartesian system.

boolean com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.shouldToggleAutoScrollByPan ( )

Flag determining if automatical scroll should be automatically toggled by pan (true) or not (false).

The default value is false. If this flag is true, automatical scroll is switched on (shouldAutoScroll is set to true) if user pans to the right-most position of the chart and switched off (shouldAutoScroll is set to false) if user pans left. This flag takes effect in 2D mode only.

See also
void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.stopTransition ( )

Stop transition.

This will stop all the transition animations, even if they are not played till the end or if they where delayed and did not even start animating.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.streamData ( )

Stream the data.

This causes the updating of chart to display new states of points. The data are going to be processed, so minimum and maximum on the axes may change. Use this method in the following use-case: if your set of points was not changed, but the values in the states of points do, you can update the chart through this method much faster than through regular updateData().

Note: The difference with rebuildSeries() is that this method does not reload data from data source, but does the optimized data processing (it's faster than regular data processing). Series will use the points they already have (the points are mutable, so you can change their data anywhere you want).

Note: The difference with updateSeries() is that this method is even faster and does the optimized data processing. So use it to reflect some realtime "streaming" changes of data.

Note: This method requires isStreamingMode() to be on, pass true to setStreamingMode(boolean) for this.

Note: The first appearance of series should be initialized by the updateData() call. Use this method to change the already displayed series only.

Note: If you want to change the data in separate thread, you should wrap all the data changing routines in the beginTransaction() and endTransaction() calls.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.updateData ( )

Force chart to be updated.

Call this method when you want to reload data from the data source and rebuild the chart. Data are processed by this call and minimums / maximums on axes are calculated.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.updateSeries ( )

Force series to be updated without reloading data from data source.

Call this method when you want to reflect some changes you made in the visual appearance of a series (brush, etc.). A call of rebuildSeries() invokes this method automatically.

void com.nchart3d.NChart.NChart.zoomTo ( float  zoom,
float  duration,
float  delay 

Zoom of the chart.

The default zoom is 1 which corresponds to the fitting the chart to screen (both in 2D and 3D). The zooming is proportional. If you want non-proportional zoom in 2D mode, you should use NChartValueAxis#zoomToRegion(float, float, float, float). If you want to alter the initial zoom, you should change the value of this property after updateData() call.

zoom- new zoom of the chart.
duration- duration of animation in seconds.
delay- delay of animation in seconds.