Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼Ncom | |
▼Nnchart3d | |
►NNChart | |
CNChart | The NChart class provides a container for the chart |
CNChartAccessibilityElement | The NChartAccessibilityElement class provides data for the accessibility module |
CNChartAnimationType | The AnimationType enum provides constants to indicate different animations of the chart objects |
CNChartAreaSeries | The NChartAreaSeries class provides methods to display area series |
CNChartAreaSeriesSettings | The NChartAreaSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartAreaSeries |
CNChartAutoScrollLabel | The NChartAutoScrollLabel provides methods to control the label that is shown whenever auto scroll mode of chart is toggled |
CNChartAutoZoomAxes | The NChartAutoZoomAxes enum provides constants to determine which axes should be zoomed automatically |
CNChartAxesPlane | The NChartAxesPlane class provides methods to display the axes plane for the cartesian system |
CNChartAxis | The NChartAxis class provides common methods for axes on the chart |
CNChartAxisGrid | The NChartAxisGrid class provides storage for grid lines associated with the particular chart's axis |
CNChartAxisGridLines | The NChartAxisGridLine class provides methods to control particular grid lines of the chart's axis |
CNChartAxisLabelsAlignment | The NChartAxisLabelsAlignment enum provides constants to align labels relative to the axes' thicks |
CNChartAxisPositionCoord | The NChartAxisPositionCoord class provides methods to control the position of the chart axis |
CNChartAxisPositionCoordValue | The NChartAxisPositionCoordValue enum provides constants to determine which value should be used to calculate the position coordinate of the particular axis |
CNChartAxisTick | The NChartAxisTick class provides methods to manage ticks on the axes |
CNChartAxisTickType | The AxisTickType enum provides constants to determine the ticks' layout on the axes |
CNChartBandSeries | The NChartBandSeries class provides methods to display band series |
CNChartBandSeriesSettings | The NChartBandSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartBandSeries |
CNChartBarSeries | The NChartBarSeries class provides methods to display bar series |
CNChartBarSeriesSettings | The NChartBarSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartBarSeries |
CNChartBezierInterpolator | The NChartBezierInterpolator class provides bezier interpolator |
CNChartBrush | The NChartBrush class provides common methods of the brush that can be used to fill some areas |
CNChartBrushScale | The NChartBrushScale class provides scale that transforms values into brushes like a step mapping function |
CNChartBubbleSeries | The NChartBubbleSeries class provides methods to display bubble series |
CNChartBubbleSeriesSettings | The NChartBubbleSeries.Settings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartBubbleSeries |
CNChartCallout | The NChartCallout class provides methods to display tooltips as callouts |
CNChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos | The NChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos enum provides constants to determine the position where the line connects to the label in the callout |
CNChartCalloutLineType | The NChartCalloutLineType enum provides constants to determine the appearance of the callout line |
CNChartCandlestickSeries | The NChartCandlestickSeries class provides methods to display candlestick series |
CNChartCandlestickSeriesSettings | The NChartCandlestickSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartCandlestickSeries |
CNChartCaption | The NChartCaption class provides methods to display caption of the chart |
CNChartCaptionBlockAlignment | The NChartCaptionBlockAlignment enum provides constants to control position of the caption's block |
CNChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord | The NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoord class provides methods to handle coordinates of the NChartCartesianPlanesIntersectionCoordsect |
CNChartCartesianSystem | The NChartCartesianSystem class provides methods for managing the chart's cartesian coordinate system |
CNChartColumnAnimationType | The NChartColumnAnimationType enum provides constants to control transition animation of column series |
CNChartColumnSeries | The NChartColumnSeries class provides methods to display column series |
CNChartColumnSeriesSettings | NChartColumnSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartColumnSeries |
CNChartCoordSystem | The NChartCoordSystem class provides basic methods for managing the chart's coordinate system |
CNChartCrosshair | The NChartCrosshair class provides methods to control crosshairs - lines that are perpendicular to the axes and are to mark some position on the chart |
CNChartCrosshairDelegate | The NChartCrosshairDelegate interface provides methods to handle crosshair movements |
CNChartCrosshairTooltipPosition | The NChartCrosshairTooltipPosition enum provides constants to control position of crosshair's tooltips |
CNChartDataSmoother | The NChartDataSmoother class provides basic data smoother used to create smooth charts by only a few points |
CNChartDataSmootherLagrange | The NChartDataSmootherLagrange class provides data smoother based on Lagrange polynoms used to create smooth lines on the charts by only a few points |
CNChartDataSmootherSBezier | The NChartDataSmootherSBezier class provides data smoother based on bezier interpolation (with control points calculated to ensure defect 1 spline) used to create smooth lines on the charts by only a few points |
CNChartDataSmootherSpline | The NChartDataSmootherSpline class provides data smoother based on cubic defect 1 splines used to create smooth lines on the charts by only a few points |
CNChartDataSmootherTBezier | The NChartDataSmootherTBezier class provides data smoother based on bezier interpolation (with control points calculated according to tangents to the curve being smoothed) used to create smooth lines on the charts by only a few points |
CNChartDelegate | The NChartDelegate interface provides methods to reflect changes which have appeared in the chart |
CNChartEventPhase | The NChartEventState enum provides constants to indicate different phases of chart events |
CNChartFont | NChartFont is an immutable container for three font characteristics: name, style and size |
CNChartFunnelSeries | The NChartFunnelSeries class provides methods to display funnel series |
CNChartFunnelSeriesSettings | The NChartFunnelSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartFunnelSeries |
CNChartGradientBrush | The NChartGradientBrush class provides common methods for the brush that fills an area with some gradient |
CNChartGradientBrushStop | The NChartGradientBrushStop class provides a control point of the gradient defining some color and it's position on the area being filled with a gradient |
CNChartHair | The NChartHair class provides methods to control the single line within crosshair |
CNChartHeatmapSeries | The NChartHeatmapSeries class provides methods to display heatmap series |
CNChartHeatmapSeriesSettings | The NChartHeatmapSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartHeatmapSeries |
CNChartHighlightType | The HighlightType enum provides constants to highlight points |
CNChartInterpolationRange | The NChartInterpolationRange class provides properties to store points indices and interpolation parameter for the values of these points |
CNChartInterpolator | The NChartInterpolator class provides base class for different interpolators that can be used to control animations |
CNChartLabel | The NChartLabel class provides methods to display text on the chart |
CNChartLegend | The NChartLegend class provides methods to display the legend of the chart |
CNChartLegendBlockAlignment | The LegendBlockAlignment enum provides constants for different predefined positions of the legend on the screen |
CNChartLegendContentAlignment | The LegendContentAlignment enum provides constants to align the legend's content in the legend area |
CNChartLegendDelegate | The NChartLegendDelegate protocol provides methods to obtain legend interactions |
CNChartLegendLabelPosition | The NChartLegendLabelPosition enum provides constants to align legend labels relative to the legend markers |
CNChartLegendOrientation | The LegendOrientation enum provides constants for different legend docking modes |
CNChartLineAnimationType | The NChartLineAnimationType enum provides constants to control transition animation of line series |
CNChartLinearGradientBrush | The NChartLinearGradientBrush class provides a brush that fills the area with a linear gradient |
CNChartLinearInterpolator | The NChartLinearInterpolator class provides linear interpolator |
CNChartLineBreakMode | The LineBreakMode enum provides constants to indicate behavior when a line is too long for its container |
CNChartLineDash | The NChartLineDash class provides methods to set up the dash pattern for lines drawn on the chart |
CNChartLineSeries | The NChartLineSeries class provides methods to display line series |
CNChartLineSeriesSettings | The NChartLineSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartLineSeries |
CNChartMargin | The Margin class stores the spacing of chart's elements |
CNChartMarker | The NChartMarker class provides methods to display markers in the points of the chart |
CNChartMarkerShape | The MarkerShape enum provides constants for markers' shapes |
CNChartMasterDetailView | The NChartMasterDetailView class provides a view to display master chart (with range selector) and detail chart |
CNChartModel | The NChartModel provides the container for the 3D model that can be loaded from file and then be displayed as a marker (see NChartMarker for details) |
CNChartObject | The NChartObject class provides common methods for all the objects on the chart |
CNChartOHLCSeries | The NChartOHLCSeries class provides methods to display OHLC series |
CNChartOHLCSeriesSettings | The NChartOHLCSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartOHLCSeries |
CNChartOLSTrendDetector | The NChartOLSTrendDetector class provides methods to create linear trend based on ordinary least squares (OLS) |
CNChartPeakDetector | The NChartPeakDetector class provides methods to detect peak values inside the given point array |
CNChartPieSeries | The NChartPieSeries class provides methods to display pie series |
CNChartPieSeriesSettings | The NChartPieSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartPieSeries |
CNChartPlaced | The NChartPlaced class provides basic methods for objects displaying some textual information on the screen |
CNChartPoint | The NChartPoint class provides methods to manage chart's points |
CNChartPointAnalyzer | The NChartPointAnalyzer provides basic methods to scan the given array of chart points and perform some analytics |
CNChartPointState | The NChartPointState class provides methods to store state of a point |
CNChartPolarSystem | The NChartPolarSystem class provides methods for managing the chart's polar coordinate system |
CNChartRadarSeries | The NChartRadarSeries class provides methods to display radar series |
CNChartRadarSeriesSettings | The NChartRadarSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartRadarSeries |
CNChartRange | The NChartRange class provides methods to control range selector |
CNChartRibbonSeries | The NChartRibbonSeries class provides methods to display ribbon series |
CNChartRibbonSeriesSettings | The NChartRibbonSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartRibbonSeries |
CNChartScaleLegend | The NChartScaleLegend class provides methods to display the legend associated with the NChartBrushScale instance |
CNChartScaleLegendDelegate | The NChartScaleLegendDelegate interface provides methods to manage the contents of the scale legend |
CNChartSequenceSeries | The NChartSequenceSeries class provides methods to display sequence series |
CNChartSequenceSeriesSettings | The NChartSequenceSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartSequenceSeries |
CNChartSeries | The NChartSeries class provides common methods for the series of the chart |
CNChartSeriesDataSource | The NChartSeriesDataSource interface provides methods to obtain data for the series |
CNChartSeriesSettings | The NChartSeries.Settings class provides basic container for settings that are to be applied for all the series of particular type that are added to the chart |
CNChartShadingModel | The ShadingModel provides constants for shading models used to shade 3D-objects |
CNChartSizeAxis | The NChartSizeAxis class provides methods to scale the sizes of NChartMarker objects |
CNChartSizeAxisDataSource | The NChartSizeAxisDataSource interface provides methods to control data on the size axis |
CNChartSolidColorBrush | The NChartSolidColorBrush class provides the brush that fills the area with a solid color |
CNChartSolidSeries | The NChartSolidSeries class provides common methods to display series that are filled with some brush and have a border |
CNChartSolidSeriesSettings | The NChartSolidSeriesSettings class provides common settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartSolidSeries |
CNChartStaticLine | The NChartStaticLine class provides methods to control static lines displayed on top of the chart |
CNChartStepSeries | The NChartStepSeries class provides methods to display step series |
CNChartStepSeriesSettings | The NChartStepSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartStepSeries |
CNChartSurfaceSeries | The NChartSurfaceSeries class provides methods to display surface series |
CNChartSurfaceSeriesSettings | The NChartSurfaceSeriesSettings class provides global settings for com.nchart3d.NChart.NChartSurfaceSeries |
CNChartTextureBrush | The NChartTextureBrush class provides the brush that fills the area with a texture (aka image) |
CNChartTexturePosition | The TexturePosition enum provides constants that control position of texture |
CNChartTextureView | The NChartTextureView class provides a view to display the chart |
CNChartTimeAxis | The NChartTimeAxis class provides methods to display the time axis of the chart |
CNChartTimeAxisDataSource | The NChartTimeAxisDataSource interface provides methods to control data displayed on the time axis |
CNChartTimeAxisLabelsLayout | The TimeAxisLabelsLayout enum provides constants to control the label's layout on the time axis |
CNChartTimeAxisLabelsPosition | The TimeAxisLabelsPosition enum provides constants to the control label's positions on the time axis |
CNChartTimeAxisTickShape | The TimeAxisTickShape enum provides constants to control the shape of ticks on the time axis |
CNChartTimeAxisTooltip | The NChartTimeAxisTooltip class provides methods to display the tooltip over the handler of the time axis |
CNChartTooltip | The NChartTooltip class provides methods to display the tooltip for the chart's points |
CNChartTooltipArrowOrientation | The NChartTooltipArrowOrientation enum provides constants to control direction of tooltip's arrow |
CNChartTooltipVerticalAlignment | The TooltipVerticalAlignment enum provides constants for vertical alignment of the tooltip |
CNChartTouchArea | The NChartTouchArea class provides methods to define touch area for NChartTouchAreaSeries |
CNChartTouchAreaSeries | The NChartTouchAreaSeries class provides methods to display fullscreen billboard with touch areas |
CNChartTouchAreaSeriesSettings | The NChartTouchAreaSeriesSettings class provides global settings for NChartTouchAreaSeries |
CNChartUserInteraction | The UserInteraction class provides constants to control available user interaction |
CNChartValue | The Value enum provides constants to indicate values from the point states |
CNChartValueAxesType | The ValueAxesType enum provides constants of value axes types |
CNChartValueAxis | The NChartValueAxis class provides methods to display the value axis of the chart |
CNChartValueAxisDataSource | The NChartValueAxisDataSource interface provides methods to control data displayed on value axis |
CNChartValueAxisDelegate | The NChartValueAxisDelegate interface provides methods to handle user interactions with value axis |
CNChartValueAxisKind | The ValueAxisKind enum provides constants to indicate the value axes |
CNChartValueAxisMark | The NChartValueAxisMark class provides methods to handle marks on the value axes |
CNChartValueAxisRange | The NChartValueAxisRange class provides properties to store ranges of value axis |
CNChartVector3 | The NChartVector3 struct stores 3-dimensional coordinates |
CNChartView | The NChartView class provides a view to display the chart |
CNChartZoomMode | The ZoomMode enum provides constants for different zoom modes |