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NChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos Enumeration
The NChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos enum provides constants to determine the position where the line connects to the label in the callout.

Namespace:  NChart3D_UWP
Assembly:  NChart3D_UWP (in NChart3D_UWP.dll)
public enum NChartCalloutLineToLabelConnectionPos
  Member nameValueDescription
Autodetect0 Detect the position automatically.
BottomLeft1 Connect in the bottom left corner.
BottomCenter2 Connect in the center of the bottom edge.
BottomRight3 Connect in the bottom right corner.
CenterLeft4 Connect in the center of the left edge.
CenterRight5 Connect in the center of the right edge.
TopLeft6 Connect in the top left corner.
TopCenter7 Connect in the center of the top edge.
TopRight8 Connect in the top right corner.
See Also